25% OFF 2023 RACES
Healthcare Discount

Using XNow verification, healthcare workers can purchase Spartan Race tickets for 2023 Sprint, Super, Beast, and Stadion races at 25% off. After a quick verification process, each teacher will receive a unique discount code to redeem towards the event of their choice.


  1. Click the “Verify Now” to be taken to XNow site to choose your event.
  2. Login to your XNow account, or create a new one and complete your verification. Once verified you’ll receive a discount code - be sure to save that code.
  3. Select your event of choice by clicking “Find Tickets”.
  4. Select a race type and the Open Heat. Add the ticket to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  5. Login to your Spartan account, or create a new one. Proceed through the checkout process choosing your start time and signing your waiver.
  6. On the checkout page, apply the discount code from step 3 into the Promo Code box for 25% off to be applied.
  7. Complete the checkout - you’ll receive your ticket via email within a few minutes.

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